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王瑞林, 张晓燕
关键词:  马歇尔  轮碾成型  分步设计  Evotherm温拌沥青混合料
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.02.026
Design Method of Warm Mix Asphalt Mixture Temperature Based on Step by Step Design
WANG Ruilin, ZHANG Xiaoyan
Institute of Highway and Traffic Engineering, Shanxi Transportation Research Institute, Taiyuan 030006, China
By using asphalt wheel rolling machine, the aggregate heating temperature and the mixture formation lower limit temperature of the Evotherm warm mix asphalt mixture were studied on the equal volume parameter principle. It was found that the water stability and fatigue performance of it are better than that of the hot mix asphalt mixture designed by Marshall wheel rolling method. Other indexes are equivalent to that of hot mix asphalt mixture. The results show that for the same material composition and method of formation, by the design methods of hot mix asphalt mixture asphalt aggregate ratio and the Marshall wheel rolling machine, the temperature of warm mix asphalt mixture heating and mixing material forming can be determined more accurately and the temperature environmental protection of it will be more effective.
Key words:  Marshall  wheel rolling  step by step design  Evotherm warm mix asphalt mixture