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应敬伟1, 蒙秋江1, 肖建庄2
关键词:  再生粗骨料  CO2强化  抗压强度  再生混凝土
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.02.021
Effect of CO2 Modified Recycled Aggregate on Compressive Strength of Concrete
YING Jingwei1, MENG Qiujiang1, XIAO Jianzhuang2
1.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China;2.Department of Structural Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Carbonized recycled coarse aggregates(CRCAs) were obtained by recycled coarse aggregates(RCAs) modified under high concentration of CO2. The physical and mechanical properties of the natural coarse aggregate(NCA), RCA and CRCA were experimentally investigated, and three types of concrete with different combinations of coarse aggregates, i.e., NCA+RCA, NCA+CRCA, RCA+CRCA were designed and prepared, respectively. The results show that the apparent density, bulk density, water absorption and crushing index of CRCA are generally laid between those of RCA and NCA for the same coarse aggregate gradation. The concrete compressive strength increases with the increase of replacement of CRCA to RCA, whereas it decreases with the increase of replacement of CRCA to NCA. Also, the concrete compressive strength does not show obvious decrease when the replacement rate is smaller than 50%.
Key words:  recycled coarse aggregates(RCA)  CO2 modified  compressive strength  recycled aggregate concrete