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郭蒙蒙, 冯仲仁, 王雄江
利用电液伺服多轴疲劳子结构试验机,对混凝土进行了疲劳试验,分析了混凝土在无侧压和有侧压拉压循环荷载作用下的疲劳寿命、疲劳强度及应力、应变变化规律.通过对试验数据进行回归处理,得到了混凝土的疲劳寿命S N曲线及其表达式.结果表明:在侧压作用下,混凝土的疲劳性能有所降低,其疲劳强度随着侧压的增加而降低,疲劳应变也随之变大.
关键词:  混凝土  疲劳性能  侧压  S N曲线  应力  应变
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.02.019
Fatigue Behavior of Concrete under Tension and Compression Loading with Lateral Pressure
GUO Mengmeng, FENG Zhongren, WANG Xiongjiang
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
Using the test machine of electro hydraulic servo fatigue tests have been carried out on concrete and the fatigue life, fatigue strength, fatigue stress and fatigue strain have been measured under tension and compression loading both in the absence and presence of lateral pressure. The variation of concrete fatigue was analyzed based on the test results. Having regression treatment by computer, the concrete S N curve of fatigue life and corresponding expressions were obtained. Meanwhile, the concrete fatigue stress strain curves and fatigue strain life curves have been plotted after data processing. The results show that the fatigue behavior of concrete will decrease under the lateral pressure. With the growth of lateral pressure, the fatigue strength will be reduced and the fatigue strain will become larger.
Key words:  concrete  fatigue behavior  lateral pressure  S N curve  stress  strain