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蒋应军1, 张邹羿1, 陈浙江2, 李寿伟2
关键词:  道路工程  SRX稳定碎石  级配  垂直振动成型方法
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201702010
Skeleton Dense Gradation and Road Performance of SRX Stabilized Crushed Stone
JIANG Yingjun1, ZHANG Zouyi1, CHEN Zhejiang2, LI Shouwei2
1.Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Changan University, Xian 710064, China;2.Jinhua Highway Administration Bureau, Jinhua 321000, China
Influences of coarse aggregate gradation on its density of vibration, fine aggregate gradation on compressive strength of solution road romixsoilfix(SRX) stabilized fine aggregate, mass ratio of coarse and fine aggregates and key sieve pore passing ratio on compressive strength of SRX stabilized crushed stone based on vertical vibration compaction method(VVCM) were studied. Skeleton dense gradation of SRX stabilized crushed stone in the principle of maximum mechanical strength was put forward and its road performance was verified. The results show that density of vibration of mixture coarse aggregate reaches maximum when mass ratio of the 19375mm aggregate, 9519mm aggregate, 47595mm aggregate is 48∶30∶22. Compressive strength of SRX stabilized fine aggregates reaches maximum when the decreasing coefficient(I) of fine aggregate gradation is 065. Compressive strength of SRX stabilized crushed stone reaches maximum when mass ratio of coarse and fine aggregates is 65∶35. Compressive strength of SRX stabilized crushed stone reaches maximum when key sieve pore passing ratios of 315, 19, 95, 475, 236, 06, 0075 mm is 950%1000%, 640%710%, 440%520%, 320%400%, 220%290%, 110%180% and 50%110%, respectively. Compared with the standard gradation and cement stabilized gravel gradation, compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of SRX stabilized crushed stone at skeleton dense gradation can be increased by 13% and 19% or more, respectively.
Key words:  road engineering  solution road romixsoilfix(SRX) stabilized crushed stone  gradation  vertical vibration compaction method