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曹明莉, 许玲, 李志文
关键词:  聚乙烯醇纤维  钢纤维  水泥砂浆  流变性  流动性能
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.01.020
Rheology and Flowability of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fiber and Steel Fiber Reinforced Cement Mortar
CAO Mingli, XU Ling, LI Zhiwen
School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
Rheology and flowability of polyvinyl alcohol fiber and steel fiber reinforced cement mortar were investigated by rheometer, mini slump cone and V funnel. The effects of different fibers on the workability of fresh cement mortar were then studied. The results indicate that the yield stress and plastic viscosity of fresh fiber reinforced cement mortars decrease with increasing water cement ratio, while the flow spread and flow rate increase. The influence of PVA fiber on the flowability of mortar is slight at PVA fiber content of 0.25%(by volume), while steel fiber plays a role in promoting the flowability of cement mortar at steel fiber content below 0.75%(by volume). With steel fiber content increasing to 1.00%(by volume), the hindering effect of steel fiber on the flowability becomes remarkable. There are negative exponent correlations between flow spread and yield stress, flow rate and plastic viscosity, and the correlation coefficients are 0.808 and 0.730, respectively.
Key words:  polyvinyl alcohol fiber  steel fiber  cement mortar  rheology  flowability