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张金喜, 冉晋, 马宝成, 王建刚
关键词:  混凝土  冻融循环  碳化  力学性能  孔隙曲折度
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2017.01.003
Influence of Carbonation on Frost Resistance of Concrete and Its Mechanism
ZHANG Jinxi, RAN Jin, MA Baocheng, WANG Jiangang
Beijing Key Laboratory of Transportation Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
Rapid freezing thawing tests of concrete were conducted in laboratory after different carbonation times. The mechanical properties and microscopic pore characteristic parameters were investigated, and the concept of “pore sinuosity” of concrete was put forward. The test results indicate that carbonation contributes to enhance frost resistance of concrete, the 314 days carbonation can make dynamic elastic modulus of concrete reduce at least 3%12% due to freezing thawing cycles. Carbonation increases pore sinuosity of concrete. Moreover, fly ash can also enlarge pore sinuosity of concrete, and erosion mediums seepage path becomes longer, thus the frost resistance of concrete is enhanced. The correlation between air entraining and pore sinuosity of concrete is loose, which shows that the mechanism of frost resistance affected by air entraining and mineral admixture for concrete is different.
Key words:  concrete  freezing thawing cycle  carbonation  mechanical property  pore sinuosity