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肖荔人1, 叶海华2, 郑赟2, 黄宝铨2, 钟韬2, 陈庆华2
以合新70号沥青为基质沥青、多层共挤膜废料(r MCEFS)和SBS为改性剂、POE g GMA为相容剂,通过熔融共混法制备r MCEFS/SBS复合改性沥青,并探讨r MCEFS外掺量对复合改性沥青的常规性能、流变性能和微观结构的影响.结果表明:随着r MCEFS外掺量的增加,复合改性沥青的车辙因子逐渐增加;当r MCEFS外掺量为基质沥青质量的3%时,r MCEFS/SBS复合改性沥青的针入度和软化点指标达到聚合物改性沥青SBS类(Ⅰ类)的I D级别,且体系弹性回复能力最优.
关键词:  改性沥青  多层共挤膜废料  聚苯乙烯丁二烯聚苯乙烯  流变性能  车辙因子
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2016.06.026
Effects of Recycled Multilayer Co extrusion Film Scraps on Properties of Styrene Butadiene Styrene(SBS) Modified Asphalt
XIAO Liren1, YE Haihua2, ZHENG Yun2, HUANG Baoquan2, ZHONG Tao2, CHEN Qinghua2
1.College of Materials Science and Engineering, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China;2.Fujian Key Laboratory of Pollution Control & Resource Reuse, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
Taking the Hexin No.70 asphalt as matrix, recycled multilayer co extrusion film scraps(r MCEFS) and styrene butadiene styrene(SBS) as modifier, POE g GMA as a compatibilizer, r MCEFS/SBS modified asphalt composites were prepared by melt blending. The classical performance, rheological properties and microscopic structure of r MCEFS/SBS modified asphalt composites with different contents of r MCEFS were investigated. The results show that the rutting factor of r MCEFS/SBS modified asphalt composites increases with the increase of r MCEFS contents. With the addition of 3% of r MCEFS(by mass of asphalt matrix), r MCEFS/SBS modified asphalt composites achieve the SBS polymer modified asphalt types(type Ⅰ) I D level in the penetration and softening point index, and show the optimal elastic recovery ability.
Key words:  modified asphalt  recycled multilayer co extrusion film scrap  styrene butadiene styrene(SBS)  rheological property  rutting factor