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乔宏霞, 朱彬荣, 路承功, 冯琼, 周茗如, 曹辉
关键词:  混凝土  加速寿命试验  寿命预测  Wiener过程  可靠性
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2016.06.012
Accelerated Life Test of Concrete Based on Wiener Stochastic Process
QIAO Hongxia, ZHU Binrong, LU Chenggong, FENG Qiong, ZHOU Mingru, CAO Hui
Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Gansu Province, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
The accelerated life test of concrete was designed to stimulate the special natural environment. Its evaluation parameters, such as dynamic elastic modulus, mass and ultrasonic velocity were tested, and the variation of relative mass and relative dynamic elastic modulus of concrete was investigated. Based on the life date, the Wiener process for modeling the degradation process of the dynamic elastic modulus was used to obtain the reliability function of the remaining life. The results show that the accelerated life test for simulating natural environment is close to the service process of concrete structure under actual conditions. The relative dynamic elastic modulus can be used as the durability evaluation parameter and it is more sensitive to the environmental factors compared with the relative quality evaluation parameters. In the deterioration process of the concrete, the salt freezing cycle is the main role, and the other is the helping role. Wiener stochastic process can effectively describe the durability degradation law of concrete. Based on the part of the life data, by using this method, the remaining life reliability function can directly reflect the remaining life of the specimen, and the experimental value is in good agreement with the life time prediction.
Key words:  concrete  accelerated life test  life prediction  Wiener process  reliability