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徐玲琳, 杨晓杰, 王培铭, 吴凯
关键词:  混合水泥  无水石膏  温度  钙矾石  水化  微结构
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2016.06.005
Influences of Curing Temperature on the Microstructure Evolution of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Based Ternary Blends
XU Linglin, YANG Xiaojie, WANG Peiming, WU Kai
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Influences of curing temperature on the early microstructure evolution of calcium sulfoaluminate cement Portland cement anhydrite ternary blends were recorded by X ray diffraction(XRD), scanning electronic microscopy(SEM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry(MIP). The related phase composition, microstructure of fracture surface and pore structure were systematically investigated. Results reveal that, cured at 10, 20℃ or 40℃ respectively, the main hydration products are firmly related to calcium sulfoaluminate based phases. Additionally, higher temperature not only results in a faster consumption of yeelimete and a more rapid formation of ettringite and earlier formation of plate like monosulfate, but also leads to coarser of critical pore size and thus lower compressive strength.
Key words:  blended cement  anhydrite  temperature  ettringite  hydration  microstructure