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高丹盈, 景嘉骅, 周潇, 左祥祥
通过聚烯烃合成纤维及钢纤维再生砖骨料混凝土的抗压和劈拉试验以及微观分析,研究了龄期和纤维类型对再生砖骨料混凝土抗压强度和劈拉强度的影响.结果表明: 纤维提高了再生砖骨料混凝土不同龄期时的抗压强度和劈拉强度;与波浪型和连续刻痕型聚烯烃合成纤维相比,端钩型钢纤维对再生砖骨料混凝土抗压强度及劈拉强度的提高作用更加明显.最后,提出了考虑再生砖骨料压碎指标、再生砖骨料取代率、纤维类型和龄期等影响因素的纤维再生砖骨料混凝土抗压强度及劈拉强度计算方法.
关键词:  再生砖骨料混凝土  纤维类型  力学性能  计算方法
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201605017
Mechanical Properties and Calculation Method of Recycled Brick Aggregate Concrete with Fibers
GAO Danying1., JING Jiahua, ZHOU Xiao, ZUO Xiangxiang
Research Center of New Style Building Materials and Structure, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
Through the compressive tests, splitting tensile tests and microscopic analysis of recycled brick aggregate (RBA) concrete with polyolefin synthetic and steel fibers added, the effects of ages and fiber types on the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of RBA concrete were studied. The result shows that the fibers could increase the compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of RBA concrete at different ages. Compared with the type of wavy and continuous score polyolefin synthetic fibers, the steel fibers with end hook improve compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of RBA concrete more significantly. Finally, the calculation methods of compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of RBA concrete with fibers, which consider the impacts of crushing value, replacement rate of RBA and fiber types and ages, are put forward.
Key words:  recycled brick aggregate(RBA) concrete  fiber type  mechanical property  calculation method