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引用本文:卿龙邦,程兰婷,慕儒,马林翔.钢纤维水泥基复合材料断裂的K R曲线研究[J].建筑材料学报,2016,19(5):816-820
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钢纤维水泥基复合材料断裂的K R曲线研究
卿龙邦, 程兰婷, 慕儒, 马林翔
基于Wallin阻力曲线模型,结合纤维增强复合材料断裂理论,提出了钢纤维水泥基复合材料的K R曲线模型.通过定向与乱向两种纤维分布形式以及不同尺寸的预制缺口三点弯曲梁断裂试验,验证了K R曲线模型的合理性与适用性.结果表明:K R曲线模型能够有效描述不同钢纤维分布形式下水泥基复合材料的断裂过程,且理论预测的峰值荷载与试验结果偏差较小.该模型可为钢纤维水泥基复合材料的断裂参数尺寸效应研究提供新方法.
关键词:  钢纤维  水泥基复合材料  断裂  K R曲线  尺寸效应
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201605005
K R Curves of Steel Fibre Reinforced Cement Based Composites
QING Longbang, CHENG Lanting, MU Ru, MA Linxiang
School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
Based on the Wallin model and fracture mechanics theory, a simple power law expression of the effective K R model for steel fibre reinforced cement based composites was presented. To validate this model, a three point bending beam fracture test with different sizes and different steel fibre distributions was carried out. It is shown that the power law model obtained by the K R curves can effectively describe the fracture process of cement based composites for different steel fibre distributions, and the deviation of the peak loads between the theoretical results and the experimental results is small. The presented model provides a new method to study the size effect on fracture parameters of steel fibre reinforced cement based composites.
Key words:  steel fibre  cement based composite  fracture  K R curve  size effect