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成志强1, 孔繁盛2
关键词:  道路工程  沥青混合料  试验研究  矿料表面能  劈裂强度
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201604030
基金项目:山西省交通厅科技项目(2013 1 1)
Effect of Aggregate Surface Energy Parameters on Splitting Strength of Asphalt Mixture
CHENG Zhiqiang1, KONG Fansheng2
1.Institute of Highway & Transportation Engineering, Shanxi Transportation Research Institute, Taiyuan 030006, China;2.Transportation Key Laboratory of Road Construction and Maintenance Technology of Loess Area, Shanxi Transportation Research Institute, Taiyuan 030006, China
In order to observe the effect of aggregate surface energy parameters on splitting strength of asphalt mixture, the adhesion principle between asphalt and aggregate was applied based on the theory of surface energy. The contact angles were measured between different aggregates (i.e. limestone, basalt, granite, andesite and gneiss) and chemical reagents of which the surface energy parameters were known. Parameters of surface energy, polar component, dispersion component of different aggregates were obtained by calculating the contact angles. The relationships between each parameter and splitting strength of asphalt mixture were analyzed. The results show that the splitting strength of asphalt mixture could be explained by theory of surface energy. Surface energy, dispersion component of aggregate and splitting strength is positively correlated, while polar component is negatively correlated. Some relationships between parameters of surface energy of aggregates and chemical compositions are established.
Key words:  road engineering  asphalt mixture  experimental research  surface energy of aggregate  splitting strength