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杨博瀚1, 翁兴中1, 刘军忠1, 寇雅楠1, 付婕2, 姜乐1, 李洪磊1
关键词:  纤维加筋土  水泥稳定土  黄土  力学性能  破坏性状
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201604015
Mechanical Properties of Modified Polypropylene Fibre Reinforced Cement Stabilized Loess
YANG Bohan1, WENG Xingzhong1, LIU Junzhong1, KOU Yanan1, FU Jie2, JIANG Le1, LI Honglei1
1.Department of Airfield and Building Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Xian 710038, China;2.Department of Aviation Military Supplies, Air Force Service Academy, Xuzhou 221000, China
In order to investigate the strength properties of modified polypropylene fibre reinforced cement stabilized loess, the unconfined compressive strength(UCS) test, the splitting tensile strength(STS) test had been carried out with different fibre content, cement content and curing period in dry or soaking condition. The results show that the consolidation of fibre and cement makes the biggest contribution to improve the early strength of loess and the strength can reach 365MPa to 599MPa after 3d curing period; the optimum fibre content should be 030%045%(by mass) and the optimum fibre length is 12mm, at which point the modified polypropylene fibre reinforced effect on unconfined compressive strength and tensile strength can be the best; with the increase of cement content, the loess specimens show a clear brittle failure, but the fibre inclusion can change the cement stabilized loess failure mode from brittle failure to ductile and plastic one. The failure shape and properties analysis show that the fibre plays the role of the bridge and the connection effect can keep the compression broken specimen integrated.
Key words:  fibre reinforced soil  cement stabilized loess  loess  mechanical property  failure shape and property