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景镇子, 成铭钊, 郦怡, 杨杰, 孙光耀, 苗嘉俊
模拟地下水热系的成岩机理,利用水热固化技术在反应釜中将海砂固化成高强度(抗折强度≥20MPa)的新型建筑材料.结果表明:硅酸钙水合物(C S H)和托勃莫来石相的生成提高了海砂固化体的强度;消石灰掺量、固化时间和温度均影响C S H和托勃莫来石的生成;水热固化可使海砂固化体的氯离子溶出量大大降低,达到了中国建设部制定的建筑用海砂中氯离子含量(溶出量)标准.
关键词:  水热固化  海砂  托勃莫来石  氯离子溶出量  建筑材料
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201604001
Utilization of Sea Sand Based on a Hydrothermal Solidification Technology
JING Zhenzi, CHENG Mingzhao, LI Yi, YANG Jie, SUN Guangyao, MIAO Jiajun
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
To develop and construct island, sea sand had been solidified into construction materials with flexural strength more than 20MPa under hydrothermal conditions by simulating diagenetic mechanism of underground. The experimental results show that the development in strength is mainly due to the formation of tobermorite and calcium silicate hydrate(C S H). Ca(OH)2 content, curing time and curing temperature influence formation of tobermorite. The chloride ion dissolving out content of the sea sand from solidified sample decreases significantly after hydrothermal solidification, which is far less than regulation made by Ministry of Construction of China.
Key words:  hydrothermal solidification  sea sand  tobermorite  chloride ion dissolving out content  building material