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引用本文:丛玉凤,徐磊,黄玮,张春雪,刘芷君.SBS C9石油树脂改性沥青的研究[J].建筑材料学报,2016,19(3):602-605
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SBS C9石油树脂改性沥青的研究
丛玉凤, 徐磊, 黄玮, 张春雪, 刘芷君
选择SBS改性剂与C9石油树脂对辽河90#基质沥青进行改性,通过常规试验、梁弯曲流变(BBR)试验考察了该改性沥青的感温性能、高温稳定性能、低温抗裂性能和抗老化性能,并利用电子显微镜对其结构进行了观察.结果表明:当SBS C9石油树脂的质量分数为5%时,SBS C9石油树脂改性沥青的感温性能、高温性能均优于SBS改性沥青,而低温性能、抗老化性能与之相差不大;C9石油树脂可提高SBS改性剂与基质沥青之间的结合力及SBS改性剂对基质沥青的约束力,使之形成新的交联网络结构.
关键词:  C9石油树脂  SBS改性剂  改性沥青  高温性能  低温性能
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201603032
Study on Modification of Asphalt by SBS C9 Petroleum Resin
CONG Yufeng, XU Lei, HUANG Wei, ZHANG Chunxue, LIU Zhijun
College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering,Liaoning University of Petroleum & Chemical Technology, Fushun 113001, China
Liaohe 90# asphalt was modified by SBS and C9 petroleum resin. The temperature sensitivity, high temperature stability, low temperature crack resistance and anti aging properties were studied by regular experiments, beam bending rheological(BBR) experiments. The electron microscopy was used to observe the structure of the modified asphalt. The experimental results show that when the mass fraction of the modifier is selected as 5%, both the temperature sensitivity performance and the high temperature performance of SBS C9 petroleum resin modified asphalt are superior to those of SBS modified bitumen. However, the difference of low temperature performance and anti aging properties is small. In addition, the C9 petroleum resin shows the ability to reinforce the binding force between SBS and asphalt and improve the constraints of SBS to asphalt, which can be used to form a new stable network macromolecular structure.
Key words:  C9 petroleum resin  SBS modifier  modified asphalt  high temperature performance  low temperature performance