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袁腾1, 周闯1, 周健1, 黄家健1, 涂伟萍2, 杨卓鸿1
采用外乳化法,以自制的长碳链烷基三乙氧基硅烷乳化制备了渗透型硅烷防护膏体.以乳化剂Gransurf 61与Gransurf 71等质量复配且其掺量(质量分数)均为4%时,所制备的膏体粒径分布均匀、蒸发率最低、稳定性最好,在50℃下能保存10d,室温下稳定期可达到60d以上.对经制备膏体养护的混凝土进行接触角、吸水率、渗透深度和综合涂布性能等测试,结果表明:硅氧烷烷基碳链长度越长,所制备膏体的渗透深度就越小,防护表面水的接触角就越大,经膏体防护的混凝土表面与水的接触角均大于1297°,吸水率降低量大于9153%,渗透深度大于30mm,能够满足防护要求;复合型硅氧烷膏体的综合防护性能优于单一型防护剂,其中C10+C14综合性能最优,增加涂布次数有利于提高其对混凝土的防护效果,甚至可使混凝土表面达到超疏水状态.
关键词:  混凝土  防护  有机硅氧烷  膏体  渗透深度  疏水
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201603014
Preparation and Properties of Permeable Organosiloxane Protective Paste Used for Concrete Protection
YUAN Teng1, ZHOU Chuang1, ZHOU Jian1, HUANG Jiajian1, TU Weiping2, YANG Zhuohong1
1.College of Materials and Energy, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China;2.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China
Permeable protective siloxane paste was prepared by the method of outside emulsification with the use of external self long carbon chain alkyl silane as raw materials. First, the emulsification process were studied and the results show that while the mass ratio of Gransurf 61 and Gransurf 71 is 1∶1, the addition(by mass) of emulsifier is 4%, the particle size of the prepared paste is evenly distributed, the evaporation rate is the lowest, and the stability is the best, which can be saved more than 10d and 60d under 50℃ and at room temperature, respectively. Water contact angle, water absorption, penetration depth and overall coating performance of the concrete protected by the prepared paste were tested. The results show that when the carbon chain length of the siloxane becomes longer and longer, the depth of penetration of the paste prepared becomes smaller and smaller, the contact angle of water on protective surface becomes larger and larger; water contact angle of concrete surface protected by the prepared paste is greater than 1297°, the reduction of water absorption is greater than 9153%, the penetration depth is larger than 30mm, which meets the requirements set forth in the technological standard. The comprehensive protection performance of complex paste is better than that of single type, especially, the comprehensive performance of product C10+C14 is the best. When the number of the coating times increase, the protective effect of concrete are further improved, even a superhydrophobic concrete surface can be obtained.
Key words:  concrete  protection  organosiloxane  paste  penetration depth  hydrophobic