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蒋林华, 朱承龙, 徐宁, 刘浩, 李波, 高海浪
关键词:  拉伸疲劳  氯离子扩散系数  疲劳损伤  残余拉应变  超声波波速  损伤电阻
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201603007
Effect of Tensile Fatigue on Diffusion of Chloride Ion in Concrete
JIANG Linhua, ZHU Chenglong, XU Ning, LIU Hao, LI Bo, GAO Hailang
College of Mechanics and Materials, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China
The tensile fatigue was enforced on C30 concrete with different maximum stress levels and different fatigue cycles. Residual tensile strain, fatigue damage degree based on ultrasonic velocity and damage resistance based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used as the characterizations of fatigue damage to study the effect of tensile fatigue on the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion in concrete. It is shown that the diffusion coefficient of chloride ion in concrete increases with the increase of residual tensile strain. The residual tensile strain 25×10-6 could be used as a point where concrete starts degradation caused by chloride ion. The diffusion coefficient of chloride ion in concrete increases exponentially with the increase of fatigue damage degree. The diffusion coefficient of chloride ion in concrete decreases exponentially with the increase of damage resistance.
Key words:  tensile fatigue  diffusion coefficient of chloride ion  fatigue damage  residual tensile strain  ultrasonic velocity  damage resistance