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纪小平1, 曹海利2, 刘陵庆1
关键词:  建筑垃圾  再生集料  水泥稳定再生集料  击实特性  路用性能
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201602022
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51408044);中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2015T80999);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(0009 2014G1211007)
Performances and Influencing Factors of Cement Stabilized Recycled Concrete Aggregate
JI Xiaoping1, CAO Haili2, LIU Lingqing1
1.Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Changan University, Xian 710064,China;2.Traffic Planning, Design and Research Institute of Xuzhou, Xuzhou 221002, China
Four types of cement stabilized recycled concrete aggregate(CSRCA) with RCA content(by mass, the same below) of 0%, 30%, 60% and 100% were applied, and specimens were prepared with 5% cement content. Properties of CSRCA, including compacting character, unconfined compressive strength, splitting strength, compressive resilient modulus, drying shrinkage property, erosion resistance and freezing resistance, were tested so as to see the variation rule of CSRCA pavement performance and influencing factors. The result shows that the maximum density of CSRCA decreases and the optimum water content increases as RCA content increases, because of low density and high water absorption of RCA and existence of voids and microfractures in RCA. With RCA content increasing, 7, 28d unconfined compressive strength and compressive resilient modulus of CSRCA increase, while 90d unconfined compressive strength and compressive resilient modulus decrease. Unconfined compressive strength of CSRCA with arbitrary RCA content can satisfy base layer requirement of high grade highway when cement content is fixed to 5%. 7, 28, 90d splitting strength of CSRCA increase with the increase of RCA content. Drying shrinkage property, erosion resistance and freezing resistance of CSRCA all increase as RCA content increases. A certain amount of unhydrated cement particles and certain active substances included in RCA can lead to cement hydration reaction and pozzolanic reaction, which will enhance the early strength of CSRCA.
Key words:  construction rubbish  recycled concrete aggregate(RCA)  cement stabilized recycled concrete aggregate(CSRCA)  compaction characteristic  road performance