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孙瑜, 李立寒
关键词:  沥青混合料  表面能  水稳定性  抗剥落剂
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201602013
Anti stripping of Asphalt Mixture Based on Surface Energy Theory
SUN Yu, LI Lihan
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Wilhelmy plate method and sessile drop method were used to test the surface energy parameters of asphalt and aggregate, based on surface energy theory and adhesion peeling model. Adhesion and peeling work, as well as the evaluation index ER, could be calculated to analyze the water stability and mechanism of asphalt mixture with different kinds of anti stripping agent in different condition. The results show that the aggregative index ER based on adhesion and peeling work can well reflect the water stability of asphalt mixture. The larger ER is, the better it resists water. Anti stripping agent can increase the surface energy by improving cohesiveness and adhesion work and reducing peeling work so that the water stability can be improved. Anti stripping agent can still work after thermal aging, water immersion, and freeze thaw.
Key words:  asphalt mixture  surface energy  water stability  anti stripping agent