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高原1, 许金余1, 张国喜2, 范建设3
关键词:  矿渣碱激发胶凝材料  响应曲面分析法  制备方法  影响规律
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201602001
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51208507,51078350);陕西省科技发展工业攻关项目(2014K10 15)
Response Surface on Early Performance of Alkali Activated Slag Binder
GAO Yuan1, XU Jinyu1, ZHANG Guoxi2, FAN Jianshe3
1.Department of Airfield and Building Engineering, Air Force Engineering University,Xian 710038, China;2.Based of Flight Training, Aviation University of Air Force,Changchun 130022, China;3.The Ninth Engineering Head Group of China Airport, Xinjin 611430, China
The preparation test scheme of alkali activated slag binder (AASB) was established based on response surface methodology(RSM), by using modulus(M), activator concentration(wAC) and activation solid ration(RAS) as design parameters. Setting time and compressive strength after 2h standard curing were tested; the surface characteristics were observed; the response surfaces of setting time and compressive strength were obtained respectively. The effects of design parameters on setting time and compressive strength were studied. The test result shows that when M is between 10 and 14, wAC is between 25% and 30% and RAS is 050, the synergy among each component can reach full potential. As a consequence, AASB can achieve good comprehensive performance and satisfy the operating requirement of emergency repair.
Key words:  alkali activated slag binder(AASB)  response surface methodology(RSM)  preparation technology  influencing rule