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肖佳, 孟庆业, 郭明磊, 吴婷
关键词:  水泥基材料  膨润土  石灰石粉  碳硫硅钙石
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201601026
Improvement of Resistance of Cementitious Materials to Sulfate Attack at Low Temperature by Bentonite
XIAO Jia, MENG Qingye, GUO Minglei, WU Ting
School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
The effects of Na bentonite and Ca bentonite on resistance of cementitious materials to sulfate attack at low temperature were studied. The paste samples made from cement and limestone powder were immersed in 5%(by mass) Na2S04 solution at 5℃ and the corrosion products were analyzed by IR and XRD. It is indicated that the degree of corrosion of cement limestone powder specimens aggravated with immersion time. The specimens without bentonite fell off at edges and corners notably, and thaumastie was the main component of corrosion products. In corrosion products of specimens, the content of thaumasite generation decreases with the increase of bentonite content, and the corrosion degree of specimens decreases as well. When the use level of bentonite is the same, the effect of Na bentonite to improve resistance of the cement limestone powder cementitious material to sulfate attack at low temperature is greater than that of Ca bentonite.
Key words:  cementitious material  bentonite  limestone powder  thaumasite