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单景松, 吴淑印
关键词:  沥青路面  车辙  力学经验法  动态模量  动态蠕变模型
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201601021
Analysis of Rutting Resistance of Asphalt Pavement
SHAN Jingsong, WU Shuyin
Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention and Mitigation,Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, China
To make clear of the developing process of rutting, the accumulated plastic deformation of three types of asphalt pavement structure with semi rigid base was studied based on mechanistic empirical method. Three modules were included in the analysis process that were temperature field, dynamic modulus and dynamic creep model of asphalt mixture. Among them, dynamic modulus and dynamic creep model of asphalt mixture were obtained by laboratory tests. Firstly, temperature field module was used to get the temperature values of different points in asphalt layer and the dynamic moduli corresponding to the temperatures with different loading frequencies were input into mechanical model as parameters to get the stress status of asphalt pavement. Then, plastic strains of asphalt layers were analyzed by the dynamic creep model and the total rutting was calculated. The results show that surface and middle AC layers have the most contribution to rutting in the AC+AC+AC structure. If the surface AC layer is substituted with surface SMA layer, the rutting in asphalt pavement will be reduced significantly and the rutting in middle AC layer will be the most. So, to reduce the rutting in asphalt pavement, SMA+AC+AC structure and SMA+AC+LSPM(large stone porous asphalt mixture) structure should be recommended and meanwhile, the high temperature stability of materials used in middle layer should be paid much attention in the design.
Key words:  asphalt pavement  rutting  mechanistic empirical method  dynamic modulus  dynamic creep model