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朱方之1, 王鹏刚2, 赵铁军2, 蒋连接1
关键词:  水泥基复合材料  应变硬化  黏结强度  拉拔试验  修复
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201601012
Studies on Bond Slippage Properties of Concrete Specimen Repaired with Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC)
ZHU Fangzhi1, WANG Penggang2, ZHAO Tiejun2, JIANG Lianjie1
1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Suqian College, Suqian 223800, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Qingdao Technological University, Qingdao 266033, China
Influence of strain hardening cementitious composite(SHCC) as repair material, transverse reinforcement rate of repair layer and frost damage on bond slippage behavior between concrete and steel bar was investigated through pull out test. Results indicate that the ultimate bond strength decreases by about 57% for the specimens repaired by SHCC and the ultimate slip deformation increases by 34%. All of the specimens fail in pull out mode (but for ordinary concrete specimens, they fail by splitting of the concrete cover). With the increase of transverse reinforcement rate of specimens repaired with SHCC, the ultimate bond strength increases, the crack width on the surface of specimens becomes smaller. When the specimens fail, multi crack happens on the surface of repair layer and the crack width is between 003mm to 008mm. The very good frost resistance of the matrix of SHCC and the bond performance between SHCC and existing concrete reduces the influence of frost damage on the bond performance between steel bar and concrete.
Key words:  cementitious composite  strain hardening  bond strength  pull out test  repair