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杨进1, 王发洲1, 黄劲2, 商得辰1
关键词:  高水胶比  内养护  膨胀剂  减缩剂  收缩
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201601009
Comparative Analysis of Reduction Effects of Different Shrinkage Reducing Agents in Concrete
YANG Jin1, WANG Fazhou1, HUANG Jin2, SHANG Dechen1
1.State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China;2.Technical Center, Huaxin RMXAGG Business Department, Wuhan 430080, China
Three different types of shrinkage reducing agents(internal curing agent(SAP), expanding agent and organic shrinkage reducing agent) were introduced to the concrete with high water binder ratio,and then the effects of these shrinkage reducing agents on the compressive strength, chemical shrinkage, autogenous shrinkage, drying shrinkage and plastic cracking of concrete were studied. Reduction effects of different shrinkage reducing agents under different curing conditions of concrete were compared. Results indicate that SAP, expanding agent and organic shrinkage reducing agent all have negative effects on the 3d compressive strengths of concrete, of which the organic shrinkage reducing agent affects the most, and SAP promotes the 28d compressive strength of concrete. The SAP has better improvement effect on chemical shrinkage, autogenous shrinkage, dry shrinkage and plastic cracking because of its synergistic effect on the internal relative humidity of concrete. Expanding agent has harsh demand for the curing conditions of concrete with high water binder ratio which means that expanding agent compensates shrinkage well in seal curing conditions and defectively in dry curing conditions. As for autogenous shrinkage of concrete, organic shrinkage reducing agent performs not as well as SAP and expanding agent in seal curing condition because of the lack of “self expanding effect”. However, for drying shrinkage of concrete, the organic shrinkage reducing agent performs well in dry curing conditions, because it reduces the surface tension of pore solution in concrete and slows down the evaporation rate of internal water at the same time.
Key words:  high water binder ratio  internal curing  expanding agent  shrinkage reducing agent  shrinkage
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