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王火明1, 李汝凯1, 周刚1, 陈飞1, 谢鹏宇2
关键词:  复合式路面  界面处理  高碳糖露石剂  性能  剪切强度  黏结强度
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201505031
基金项目:广东省交通科技项目(2012 02 014)
Experiment on Performance for a New Type Aggregate Exposing Solvent
WANG Huoming1, LI Rukai1, ZHOU Gang1, CHEN Fei1, XIE Pengyu2
1.China Merchants Chongqing Communications Research & Design Institute, Chongqing 400067, China;2.School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
Shear strength and bond strength of interfacial layer with different interface treatments were studied through laboratory tests and the effect of high carbon sugar aggregate exposing solvent was examined in conjunction with the practical engineering. The results show that compared with the other interface treatments of smooth, brushed, and sandblasted, the application of high carbon sugar aggregate exposing solvent could significantly increase the shear strength and bond strength of interfacial layer. Compared with the existing aggregate exposing solvent, the effect of high carbon sugar aggregate exposing solvent is similar but the costs can be reduced by approximately 93% which also has better social and economic benefits.
Key words:  composite pavement  interface treatment  high carbon sugar aggregate exposing solvent  performance  shear strength  bond strength