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甘新立1, 郑南翔1, 侯月琴2, 纪小平1
关键词:  道路工程  施工温度  拌和力矩  再生沥青混合料  剪切速率
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201505016
Determination of Construction Temperature of Recycled SBS Modified Asphalt Mixture
GAN Xinli1, ZHENG Nanxiang1, HOU Yueqin2, JI Xiaoping1
1.Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Changan University, Xi An 710064,China;2.School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049, China
The mixing torques of recycled SBS modified asphalt mixture under different mixing temperatures were determined. The optimal mixing torque of matrix asphalt mixture corresponding to the isoviscous temperature of 017 Pa·s on viscosity temperature curve of matrix asphalt was determined, and the mixing temperature corresponding to the optimal mixing torque on the mixing torque mixing temperature fitting curve of recycled SBS modified asphalt mixture could be seen as the optimal mixing temperature of recycled SBS modified asphalt mixture. According to the viscosity shear rate curve of recycled SBS modified asphalt at the optimal mixing temperature, the shear rate of recycled SBS modified asphalt at the optimal mixing temperature was determined, and the viscosity temperature curve of recycled SBS modified asphalt under this shear rate was obtained through experiment. The isoviscous temperature of (028±003)Pa·s on the viscosity temperature curve of recycled SBS modified asphalt could be seen as the optimal compaction temperature of recycled SBS modified asphalt mixture. The surface dry method validation results show that with the above method to determine the optimal mixing temperature of recycled SBS modified asphalt mixture is reasonable.
Key words:  road engineering  construction temperature  mixing torque  recycled asphalt mixture  shear rate