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苏益声, 孟二从, 陈宗平, 曾文祥
关键词:  破碎卵石混凝土  受力性能  试验研究  火灾(高温)  三轴受力
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201504019
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51468003);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金联合资助项目(20134501110001);广西科学研究与技术开发项目(桂科转14124005 1 2)
Triaxial Mechanical Performance of Broken Pebble Concreteafter Fire(High Temperature)
SU Yisheng, MENG Ercong, CHEN Zongping, ZENG Wenxiang
School of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
To investigate the triaxial stress of broken pebble concrete after fire(high temperature), 30 100×200mm cylinder specimens with temperature and lateral confining pressure as parameters under conventional triaxial loading test were measured. The results show that after fire(high temperature), when under uniaxial stress, the stress strain curve has an obvious peak. With the increase of temperature, the peak point declines and moves to the right; when under triaxial stress, the failure pattern of broken pebble concrete can be divided into cant shear failure and layered splitting failure. With increase of lateral confining pressure, the stress strain curve becomes smooth and plump and the peak point becomes more and more unobvious, and the elastic modulus, peak stress and peak strain of specimens are significantly increasing. With the increase of temperature, the peak stress and elastic modulus present a downward trend. Based on experimental data, the relational calculation formula and stress strain constitutive relation formula are given, the results can provide reference for related work.
Key words:  broken pebble concrete  mechanical performance  experimental study  fire(high temperature)  triaxial stress