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何燕, 张雄, 张永娟
以红外透明的三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)为基料,通过优化金属颜料的种类、掺量、形貌及粒度,制备了EPDM/Cu,EPDM/Al,EPDM/Ni及EPDM/Cu Al等低发射低反射涂料.对上述4种涂料所制成的涂层进行红外发射率和反射率测试,并采用红外光谱仪进行化学结构表征,从涂层发射率、反射率及化学结构等角度分析了涂层低发射低反射的形成机理.结果表明:EPDM/Cu粉和EPDM/Al粉涂层的红外发射率达0.33~0.40,太阳能反射率达0.38~0.53,它们均具备低发射低反射性能.通过模拟寒冷地区环境,对EPDM基低发射低反射涂层进行保温特性测试,发现EPDM/Cu粉涂层平衡时相对温降达4℃,保温效果良好.
关键词:  红外发射率  太阳能反射率  三元乙丙橡胶  金属颜料
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2015.04.004
Preparation and Properties of Low Infrared Emissivity and LowSolar Reflectance Coatings with EPDM Adhesive
HE Yan, ZHANG Xiong, ZHANG Yongjuan
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
By optimizing the kind, shape, morphology and content of metallic pigments with ethylene propylene diene monomer(EPDM) as adhesive, low infrared emissivity and low solar reflectance coatings of EPDM/Cu, EPDM/Al, EPDM/Ni and EPDM/Cu Al were prepared, among which EPDM/Cu powder and EPDM/Al powder coatings were of favorable low emission and low reflection performance,with infrared emissivity of 0.330.40, and solar reflectance of 0.380.53.Based on the infrared emissivity, reflection of the coatings was measured while the structure of the coatings were characterized by infrared absorption spectrometer.The principle of the low infrared emissivity and low solar reflectance coatings was discussed in the aspect of reflection, emission and chemical structure and so on.Through simulated conditions in cold areas, the thermal insulation properties of coatings were evaluated.It is shown that EPDM/Cu powder coating has achieved good thermal insulation performance, with relative temperature drop of 4℃.
Key words:  infrared emissivity  solar reflectance  ethylene propylene diene monomer(EPDM)  metallic pigment