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金祖权1, 陈惠苏2, 赵铁军1, 高嵩1
关键词:  混凝土  冻融循环  硫酸盐  离子传输与反应  孔结构  损伤
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201503023
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51378269,51178230);青岛市科技计划项目(13 1 4 176 jch,13 1 4 115 jch);山东省高校优秀创新团队基金资助项目(2012 7 9)
Damage and Ion Penetration in Concrete Subjected to Sulfate Frost
JIN Zuquan1, CHEN Huisu2, ZHAO Tiejun1, GAO Song1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Qingdao Technological University, Qingdao 266033, China;2.Jiangsu Province Key Lab of Civil Engineering Materials, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
The deterioration, sulfate ion distribution, pore structure and corrosion product of concretes under attack of sulfate frost were systematically investigated. The compressive strength grades of air entrained concrete were C30 and C50. The corrosion regimes were employed: freeze thaw cycles in 5%(by mass) Na2SO4 or in 5%(by mass) Na2SO4+35%(by mass) NaCl mixed solution, and naturally immersion into above mentioned solution with same time of freeze thaw cycles. The damage degree of concrete was tested by ultrasonic, its pore structure was tested by MIP, and the corrosion product of concrete subjected to sulfate frost was analyzed by TG DSC. The experimental results show that the ultrasonic time passes through the interior and surface of concrete under attack of sulfate frost increases slightly at first, then keeps steady, finally decreases to failure due to mass loss and deterioration of concrete. The low temperature in sulfate frost environment reduces sulfate ion permeability velocity and the sulfate ion reacting ability with concrete. But increasing damage degree in concrete resulted by sulfate frost will accelerate sulfate ion penetration into concrete. Compared with concrete subjected to 5%Na2SO4 frost, the sulfate ion reacting ability with concrete increases to double and the capillary pore enlarges by 22 times for concretes subjected to mixed solution frost. Due to the existence of chloride ion in mixed solution, the amount of corrosion product of concrete under attack of mixed salt frost, including ettringite, gypsum and thaumasite, is more than that of concrete subjected to sodium sulfate frost. Additionally, the degree of surface scale of concrete subjected to mixed salt frost is more serious compared to concrete in sulfate frost.
Key words:  concrete  freeze thaw cycle  sulfate  ion penetration and reaction  pore structure  damage
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