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蒋正武, 任强, 袁政成
关键词:  耦合振动  频率  损伤  机理
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201503019
Effects of Vehicle Bridge Coupled Vibration on Early Age Properties of Concrete and Its Damage Mechanism
JIANG Zhengwu, REN Qiang, YUAN Zhengcheng
Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry ofEducation, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
The variation law of vehicle bridge coupled vibration was analyzed and a reasonable method to simulate coupled vibration in lab as well as the evaluation indexes was proposed. Then the effects of vehicle bridge coupled vibration parameters on the properties of concrete with different water cement ratio were studied. The damage mechanism of vehicle bridge coupled vibration on concrete was investigated according to the microstructure results. The results indicate that under vehicle bridge coupled vibration, the bleeding of concrete accelerates, the actual water cement ratio reduces, and the compressive strength increases to a certain extent. However, the early segregation of concrete is aggravated by the vibration, which leads to worse uniformity and compactness. The long term performance of concrete is deteriorated as seen from a higher proportion of deleterious pores (>200nm) of concrete. At the early age (i.e. penetration resistance≤05MPa ) of setting and later age(i.e. penetration resistance≥280MPa) of hardening, the negative interference of vehicle bridge coupled vibration is insignificant, however, vehicle bridge coupled vibration can lead to a lot of irreversible micro cracks in concrete at the middle age (i.e. penetration resistance 0.528.0MPa), which may have a great influence on concrete performance.
Key words:  coupled vibration  frequency  damage  mechanism