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张德育1, 白桃2, 黄晓明3, 高英3, 洪锦祥4
关键词:  沥青混合料  永久变形  离散元法  车辙试验  空间运动
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201503011
Analysis of Space Movement of Coarse Aggregates during Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Mixture
ZHANG Deyu1, BAI Tao2, HUANG Xiaoming3, GAO Ying3, HONG Jinxiang4
1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China;2.School of Resourceand Civil Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430073, China;3.School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;4.Jiangsu Sobute New Materials Co., Ltd., Nanjing 211103, China
A three dimensional(3D) generation procedure for randomly created irregular polyhedron coarse aggregates was developed, and a 3D discrete element(DE) model of asphalt mixture(composed of coarse aggregates, asphalt mastic and air voids) specimen in rutting test was reconstructed. The two dimensional(2D) DE model of asphalt mixture specimen in rutting test was constructed by cutting numerically the 3D DE model. The corresponding micro contact models and parameters were given for the interactions of microscale components of 2D DE model of asphalt mixture specimen in rutting test. The rutting test of asphalt mixture was simulated using the 2D DE model. Finally, the translation and rotation of coarse aggregates during permanent deformation of asphalt mixture were analyzed. It is found that the 2D DE model can more accurately describe the space movement of coarse aggregates during permanent deformation of asphalt mixture, and provide a new research method for investigating the rutting mechanism of asphalt mixture.
Key words:  asphalt mixture  permanent deformation  discrete element method  rutting test  space movement