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赵军, 李洪杰, 高丹盈
关键词:  钢纤维  钢纤维混凝土  锈蚀  强度,折减系数
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201503009
基金项目:河南省高校科技创新团队项目(15IRTSTHN026);教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(NCET 09 0125)
Mechanical Performances of Steel Fiber and Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete after Corrosion
ZHAO Jun, LI Hongjie, GAO Danying
School of Mechanics and Engineering Science, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China
Based on the accelerated corrosion test on three different types of steel fibers such as shear cut, mill cut, and cut off steel fibers and the accelerated corrosion test on steel fiber reinforced concretes reinforced with each type of the above steel fibers, the variations in the appearances, bending properties and tensile strengths of the steel fibers after corrosion and variation laws of both compressive and tensile strengths of the steel fiber reinforced concretes after different corrosion duration were investigated.The results indicate that increasing corrosion duration will increase degree of corrosion for the three types of steel fibers, hence decrease the bending properties and the tensile strengths of steel fibers as well as decrease the compressive and tensile strengths of steel fiber reinforced concrete.But variation appears different in the compressive and tensile strengths of steel fiber reinforced concrete.The compressive strengths change slightly with time when corrosion duration is short but decline substantially when corrosion duration is over 60 days.The tensile strengths of steel fiber reinforced concrete decrease gradually when corrosion duration increases.Under the same corrosion duration, the reduction degrees of tensile strengths of steel fiber reinforced concrete are lower than that of corresponding compressive strengths.Among the three types of steel fibers, the cut off steel fibers possess better corrosion resistance than that of the shear cut and the mill cut steel fibers.
Key words:  steel fiber  steel fiber reinforced concrete  corrosion  strength  reduction coefficient