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慕儒1, 李辉1, 王晓伟1, 赵全明2, 邱欣1
关键词:  单向分布钢纤维混凝土  纤维方向效应系数  劈裂抗拉强度  弯曲抗拉强度
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201503006
Aligned Steel Fibre Reinforced Cement Based Composites(Ⅱ):Preparation and Reinforcement of Aligned Steel Fibres
MU Ru1, LI Hui1, WANG Xiaowei1, ZHAO Quanming2, QIU Xin1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China;2.School of Information Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
Preparation of aligned steel fibre reinforced concrete (ASFRC) and the reinforcement of aligned steel fibres on the splitting and flexural tensile strength of concrete were investigated. In the preparation of ASFRC, an external uniform magnetic field was applied to the freshly mixed steel fibre reinforced concrete when the concrete was vibrated to compact. Meanwhile, all steel fibres were subjected to the action of magnetic force. As the consequence, the steel fibres rotated and had the same or similar direction as that of the magnetic field applied. When hardened, the ASFRC was prepared. The results show that the average direction coefficient of steel fibres is 090 or greater, which means that most of the steel fibres have the same or similar direction as designed. The theoretical analysis results show that the tensile and flexural strength of SFRC increase with the average orientation coefficient of steel fibres. According to test results, for the concrete with the same steel fibre content, the splitting and flexural tensile strength of ASFRC is significantly greater than that of normal SFRC.
Key words:  aligned steel fibre reinforced concrete(ASFRC)  orientation coefficient of fibre  splitting tensile strength  flexural tensile strength