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孙大权, 林添坂, 曹林辉
关键词:  沥青  疲劳寿命  耗散能  评价指标
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201502028
Evaluation Method for Fatigue Life of Asphalt Based on Dynamic Shear Rheometer Test
SUN Daquan, LIN Tianban, CAO Linhui
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
A repeated shear fatigue test using a dynamic shear rheometer(DSR) was conducted with a controlled stress loading mode. An asphalt fatigue life criteria(NfG*) was defined as the loading cycle at inflection point of the shear modulus change ratio curve in the fatigue test. The consistency, distinction degree and correlation of five fatigue criteria including NfG*, Nf50 (the loading cycle at 50% loss in modulus from the initial value) and energy based fatigue failure criteria(N1, Np20, Nfm) were studied. The test results show that the fatigue life evaluated with different indicators has a consistency order:NfG*>Nf50>Np20>N1, while the value of Nfm is similar to NfG*; Nfm has the highest distinction, NfG* take the second place and N1 is the least; NfG* has a strong correlation with Nfm, and the slope approximates to one. Finally, NfG* is recommended as a simple and effective fatigue indicator of asphalt binder.
Key words:  asphalt  fatigue life  dissipated energy  evaluation indicator