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张铁志, 田帅, 徐凌
关键词:  高强混凝土  配合比  设计强度系数  砂率
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201502019
Study on Mix Proportion Design Method for High Strength Concrete with Five Components
ZHANG Tiezhi, TIAN Shuai, XU Ling
School of Civil Engineering,University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan 114051, China
There do not seem to be unified mature design methods for high strength concrete with five components(cement, sand, gravel, water and water reducing agent) without mineral admixture at home and abroad. The procedure of verification by test was carried out for the mix proportion of high strength concrete with five components recommended by Mehta etc.,on this basis, a series of fitting calculations were implemented according to the mix proportion design method of common concrete with the sand ratio(by mass) and design strength coefficient as variables, both the best sand ratio and the best design strength coefficient that were suitable for C65, C70, C75 and C90 high strength concrete with five components were obtained and verified. The results show that it is valid for mix proportion design of C65, C70, C75 and C90 high strength concrete with five components by the method of mix proportion design for common concrete.
Key words:  high strength concrete  mix proportion  design strength coefficient  sand ratio