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肖佳1, 孟庆业1, 马保国2, 王迎斌2
针对水泥基材料中形成碳硫硅钙石的溶液直接反应机理和硅钙矾石转变机理,建立了热力学模型;由热力学模型得出的数据表明,碳硫硅钙石在0~25℃时可通过溶液直接反应来生成;5℃下钙矾石可与C S H凝胶、碳酸钙、石膏和水生成硅钙矾石固溶体,但不能生成碳硫硅钙石晶体,而且硅钙矾石固溶体的生成比碳硫硅钙石通过溶液直接反应生成更为容易.由溶液直接反应生成碳硫硅钙石的焓变数据表明其反应为吸热反应,平衡常数随温度的升高而降低;低温有利于碳硫硅钙石的形成.
关键词:  碳硫硅钙石  热力学  机理  温度
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201502013
Analysis of Thermodynamics of Thaumasite Formation in Cement Based Materials
XIAO Jia1, MENG Qingye1, MA Baoguo2, WANG Yingbin2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2.State Key Laboratory ofSilicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
The thermodynamical model of thaumasite formation in cement based materials was established for the direct route and woodfordite route. Data of the thermodynamical model indicated that thaumasite can be formed between 0℃ and 25℃ by direct route while woodfordite, instead of pure thaumasite, can be formed from ettringite, C S H, calcite and water at 5℃, and woodfordite formed more easily than thaumasite by the direct route. Enthalpy change of the direct route of thaumasite formation showed that the direct reaction is an endothermic reaction, and equilibrium constant of the direct reaction decreases as reaction temperature increases. It was also indicated that low temperature is favourable to thaumasite formation.
Key words:  thaumasite  thermodynamics  mechanism  temperature