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孔德军, 叶存冬, 郭卫
关键词:  X80管线钢  焊接接头  拉伸试验  断口形貌
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201501025
基金项目:江苏省科协首席专家(工程师)项目(2013 216);江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(CXLX14 1098)
Tensile Fracture Behaviors and Fracture Morphologies of X80 Pipeline Steel Welded Joint
KONG Dejun, YE Cundong, GUO Wei
College of Mechanical Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou 213164, China
The tensile mechanical properties of X80 pipeline steel base metal and its welded joint specimens were analyzed by tensile test, the fracture morphologies and chemical compositions were observed with SEM(scanning electron microscopy) and EDS(energy dispersive spectrometer), and the fracture behaviors were investigated. The results show that elongation and section shrinkage of the base metal are greater than that of the welded joints; the tensile fracture of base metal is tough fracture, while the fracture of welded joint that produces stratification phenomenon is tough+brittle. The fiber area and dimple size that exist on fiber area in the base metal are greater than that in the welded joint, the morphology of radiation area is dimple, while the cleavage fracture appears in the welded joint, and the shear lip of base metal and welded joint are cleavage. Impurities that is contained in the welding joint are sulfide and oxide, which are an important factor to reduce mechanical properties of welded joint.
Key words:  X80 pipeline steel  welded joint  tensile test  fracture morphology