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石妍, 杨华全, 陈霞, 李响, 周世华
基于RapidAir和MAP BEI测试技术,对比研究了分别以玄武岩、砂岩和灰岩为人工骨料的大坝混凝土内部孔结构及界面特征.结果表明:配合比一定时,灰岩混凝土气泡数量最多,间距系数和平均孔径最小;砂岩混凝土气泡数量最少,间距系数和平均孔径最大,工程中应予以足够重视.界面Ca(OH)2的富集程度受骨料化学属性及物理性能(如长期吸水率)影响.上述3种骨料浆体界面Ca(OH)2的富集程度为砂岩>玄武岩>灰岩,界面过渡区厚度为砂岩>灰岩>玄武岩,砂岩界面性能最薄弱.
关键词:  骨料种类  大坝混凝土  孔结构  界面过渡区
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201501024
Influence of Aggregate Variety on Pore Structure and Microscopic Interface of Concrete
SHI Yan, YANG Huaquan, CHEN Xia, LI Xiang, ZHOU Shihua
Collaborative Innovation Center for Geo Hazards and Eco Environment in the Three Gorges Area,Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China
Based on the test technique of RapidAir and MAP BEI, pore structure and microscopic interface of dam concrete with different aggregates were studied. The results show that with the definite mix proportion, the limestone concrete has the maximum amount of bubbles and the minimum space coefficient and average pore size, while the sandstone concrete leads to the opposite results, which should be paid enough attention. The enrichment of Ca(OH)2 in the interfacial transition zone(ITZ) is affected by chemical and physical properties of aggregates(such as long term water absorption). The degree of Ca(OH)2 enrichment and interface thickness are increased in the order of sandstone>basalt>limestone and sandstone>limestone>basalt. Sandstone concrete has the weakest interface structure.
Key words:  aggregate variety  dam concrete  pore structure  interfacial transition zone(ITZ)