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杨长辉1, 刘本万1, 向晓斌2, 张智强1, 叶建雄1, 白光1
关键词:  水玻璃  矿渣  粉煤灰  硅灰  碳硫硅钙石
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201501008
Resistance of Alkali Activated Slag Cement to Thaumasite Sulfate Attack
YANG Changhui1, LIU Benwan1, XIANG Xiaobin2, ZHANG Zhiqiang1, YE Jianxiong1, BAI Guang1
1.College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China;2.Tuoye Construction Engineering Quality Testing Co.Ltd., Chongqing 400051, China
The thaumasite sulfate attack(TSA) of water glass slag cement, ordinary Portland cement with 10%(by mass) of limetsone and the effects of fly ash and silica fume on TSA of water glass slag cement were studied. The erosion products after immersed in 5%(by mass) MgSO4 solutions for four years at 5℃ were analyzed by means of X ray diffraction(XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR). The pore structure of hardened paste of water glass slag cement was tested by mercury intrusion method. The results show that for ordinary Portland cement paste typical TSA occurs and water glass slag cement stone is suffered from slight sulfate attack caused by gypsum but not thaumasite and specimens with 10% silica fume, 20% and 40% fly ash are not attacked by sulfate. Water glass slag cement has excellent resistance to TSA due to its fine pore structure and its main hydration products are low alkali hydrous calcium silicate.
Key words:  water glass  slag  fly ash  silica fume  thaumasite