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李永辉, 谢华荣, 王建国, 石邢
太原与福州两地历史建筑中青砖的劣化程度表现出较大的差异性.为了研究青砖自身吸湿性能对这种劣化差异现象的影响,依据GB/T 20312—2006/ISO 12571:2000《建筑材料及制品的湿热性能吸湿性能的测定》,在恒温条件下配制了不同种类的饱和盐溶液并控制其相对湿度,测试了太原与福州地区历史建筑中青砖的等温吸湿曲线,比较了两地青砖等温吸湿性能的差异性.结果表明:环境相对湿度为7%~92%时,太原地区青砖的平衡含水率为00029~00291kg/kg,而福州地区青砖仅为00013~00024kg/kg;当环境湿度在较高状态下波动时,太原地区青砖的进出水分量是福州地区青砖进出水分量的6~12倍.可以说,太原地区青砖较大的吸湿特性是加速其性能劣化的“催化剂”,是该地区青砖劣化程度大于福州地区青砖劣化程度的重要原因之一.
关键词:  建筑技术  历史建筑  劣化  等温吸湿曲线  太原  福州
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201406027
Comparative Study of Isothermal Sorption Properties of Traditional Blue Bricks in Historic Building
LI Yonghui, XIE Huarong, WANG Jianguo, SHI Xing
School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
There is a significant difference between the degree of degradation of blue bricks in historic building of Taiyuan and that of Fuzhou. In order to study the effect of sorption properties of blue bricks on this difference, an experiment based on the national standard (GB/T 20312—2006/ISO 12571:2000) to test the isothermal sorption properties of the blue bricks in historic building of Taiyuan and Fuzhou with a view to comparing the difference between them was designed. The results indicate that, with the relative humidity ranging from 7%92%, the equilibrium moisture contents of the blue bricks in Taiyuan are between 0002900291kg/kg, while those in Fuzhou are only between 0001300024kg/kg. When relative humidity varies in a higher region, the hygroscopic moisture content of blue bricks in Taiyuan is 612 times more than that of the blue bricks in Fuzhou. It suggests that the blue bricks in Taiyuan have greater hygroscopicity than those in Fuzhou, and therefore are easier to be influenced by the humidity of environment. The higher water sorption content of blue bricks in Taiyuan is liable to deteriorating, which is one of the causes that lead to higher degree of degradation of blue bricks in Taiyuan than that in Fuzhou.
Key words:  building technology  historic building  degradation  isothermal sorption curve  Taiyuan  Fuzhou