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高丹盈, 李晗
关键词:  纤维混凝土  纳米材料  超声波  回弹值
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201406015
Evaluation of Compressive Strength and the Highest Exposure Temperature of Fiber and Nanosized Materials Reinforced Concrete by Ultrasonic Rebound Combined Method
GAO Danying, LI Han
Research Center of New Style Building Material & Structure, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
By the experiments of ultrasonic pulse velocity, rebound and compression, the effect of steel fiber and nanosized materials on ultrasonic pulse velocity(UPV) and rebound number(RN) of fiber & nanosized materials reinforced concrete(FNMRC) before and after exposition to high temperature, and the relationship of compressive strength of FNMRC, the highest exposure temperature were investigated. Test data indicates that the suitable usage of steel fiber,polypropylene fiber and nanosized materials improves the microstructure of concrete, increases its UPV and RN in certain degree. Because there is a good regressive relationship between compressive strength and UPV & RN, the ultrasonic rebound combined method is suitable for evaluating compressive strength and the highest exposure temperature of FNMRC. Based on the regression analysis of test data, the ultrasonic rebound strength curve and the model for evaluating the highest exposure temperature were proposed.
Key words:  fiber reinforced concrete  nanosized material  ultrasonic pulse  rebound value