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贺智敏1, 龙广成2, 谢友均2, 柳俊哲1
关键词:  蒸养混凝土  毛细吸水性  氯离子扩散  孔结构  伤损效应
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201406010
Surface Layer Degradation Effect of Steam Cured Concrete
HE Zhimin1, LONG Guangcheng2, XIE Youjun2, LIU Junzhe1
1.Faculty of Architectural, Civil Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China;2.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China
Based on the experimental investigations of the capillary absorption of water and chloride diffusion of steam cured concrete, the microstructure difference between surface layer and inner concrete was analyzed. The surface layer degradation effect and its mechanism of steam cured concrete were also discussed. The test results show that, compared with the standard cured concrete, both the capillary absorption of water and chloride diffusion rate of steam cured concrete are much higher at the surface layer(about 10mm deep from the surface). It can be found that the microstructure of surface layer is significantly damaged during steam curing, and the degradation effect mainly concentrates on the range of 10mm deep from the surface. The main reasons for surface layer degradation effect of steam cured concrete are the larger temperature gradient and the expansive deformation in concrete surface layer. The incorporation of fly ash and slag into concrete can alleviate the degradation of surface layer during steam curing, and effectively increase the resistance to ingress of water and chloride ion.
Key words:  steam cured concrete  capillary absorption of water  chloride diffusion  pore structure  degradation effect