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余保英, 高育欣, 王军
关键词:  石膏  超硫酸盐水泥  强度  水化热  水化产物
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201406005
Hydration Behavior of Super Sulphated Cement with Different Types of Gypsum
YU Baoying, GAO Yuxin, WANG Jun
China Construction Readymixed Concrete Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430074, China
In order to elucidate the hydration behavior of super sulphated cement(SSC) with different types of gypsum, influence of anhydrite, dihydrate gypsum, and phosphogypsum on the cement paste compressive strength of various age of SSC were tested;furthermore, hydration exothermic rate, hydration heat and hydration products were systematically compared. Results show that 3 day strength of all samples is about 14MPa;however, phosphogypsum based SSC of the compressive strength 412MPa at 28 days and 491MPa at 90 days is significantly higher than other samples. Early strength mainly depends on hydration heat rate of different samples, later strength is due to the better activation effect of phosphogypsum than anhydrite and dihydrate gypsum, SSC paste with phosphogypsum could generate more C S H and ettringite in late stage with relatively higher density than other samples.
Key words:  gypsum  super sulphated cement(SSC)  strength  hydration heat  hydration product