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陈俊1, 张倩倩1, 黄晓明2, 吴建涛1, 刘云1
关键词:  水污染  沥青混合料  pH值  耗氧量  总硬度  重金属
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201405030
Effect of Asphalt Mixture on Water Environment
CHEN Jun1, ZHANG Qianqian1, HUANG Xiaoming2, WU Jiantao1, LIU Yun1
1.College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China;2.School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
In order to study the water quality after the interaction with asphalt mixture, ten groups of Marshall samples of asphalt mixture with different air void percentages, gradations, asphalt grades and anti stripping agent were prepared firstly. Water samples with different pH values were also prepared in laboratory. Then, the asphalt mixture samples were immersed in the vacuum sealing water for 24h. Some indices including pH value, oxygen demand, total hardness, content of heavy metals were selected from the standards for drinking water quality to evaluate the water quality after its contact with asphalt mixture. Results show that water quality is deteriorated significantly when asphalt mixture is immersed in the water samples for 24h. pH values of neutral and acid water samples are 04 times and 17 times that before immersion test respectively. The increase of pH values can be reduced by anti stripping agent and lower air voids of asphalt mixture. After immersion test, oxygen demand and total hardness of water sample are increased over 3 to 4 times. Lower air voids of asphalt mixture and increasing pH value of initial water sample to neutral condition can reduce the oxygen demand. The increase of total hardness can be retarded by using anti stripping agent in asphalt mixture.
Key words:  water pollution  asphalt mixture  pH value  oxygen demand  total hardness  heavy metal