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钱觉时, 谢从波, 谢小莉, 陈伟, 杨海林
关键词:  污水污泥  建材  页岩  污染
DOI:103969/jissn1007 9629201405013
Utilization of Municipal Sewage Sludge as Building Materials: A State of the Art Review
QIAN Jueshi, XIE Congbo, XIE Xiaoli, CHEN Wei, YANG Hailin
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
Utilization of municipal sewage sludge as building materials is one of the practical cost effective recycling ways. Firstly, the limitation of processing and disposal of sewage sludge with high moisture content was reviewed, and the possibilities of utilization of sewage sludge as fertilizer, fuel and building materials were introduced. Regarding dewatered, dried and incinerated states of sewage sludge, the progresses, difficulties and problems in utilization of sewage sludge as building materials were analyzed.It is a practical technology to mix the dewatered sewage sludge with shale or fly ash and fire the mixture into products, but there exist a lot of works to control the volatilization of heavy metals and odour, and to improve the mixing process in the future.
Key words:  sewage sludge  building materials  shale  pollution