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周万良, 詹炳根, 龙靖华
关键词:  掺合料混凝土  单纯形重心设计法  配合比设计
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201404019
Designing the Mix Proportion of Concrete with Admixture Based on Simplex Centroid Experimental Design
ZHOU Wanliang, ZHAN Binggen, LONG Jinghua
College of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
The 28d compressive strength of compound binder was predicted by simplex centroid experimental design. According to the predicted 28d compressive strength of compound binder and the known water binder ratio, the 28d compressive strength of concrete with admixture was estimated with Bolomy formula. The results show that the 28d compressive strength of compound binder can be predicted relatively correctly by simplex centroid experimental design,and the 28d compressive strength of concrete with admixture can be foreseen relatively correctly by substituting the predicted 28d compressive strength of compound binder and the known water binder ratio into Bolomy formula. The water binder ratio of concrete with admixture can be calculated relatively correctly by substituting the predicted compressive strength of compound binder and the design compressive strength of concrete with admixture into Bolomy formula. So the mix proportion of concrete with admixture can be obtained relatively correctly with absolute volume method. By using this mix proportion design of concrete with admixture, the each composition of compound binder can be regarded as independent component of concrete like water or aggregate.
Key words:  concrete with admixture  simplex centroid experimental design  mix proportion design