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孙家瑛1, 肖天翔1, 陆阳升2
关键词:  塑性收缩应力  再生细骨料  开裂性能  粒径  孔结构
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201403019
Effect of Recycled Fine Aggregate on Plastic ShrinkageCracking Properties of Concrete
SUN Jiaying1, XIAO Tianxiang1, LU Yangsheng2
1.Research Center of Green Building Materials and Resources Reuse, Ningbo Institute of Technology,Zhejiang University, Ningbo 315100, China;2.Zhejiang Chicheng Co. Ltd., Dongyang 322100, China
Taking ICBO standard as a reference and using the flat panel constraint test, self developed concrete plastic stress testing device and mercury intrusion method, the effects of recycled fine aggregate particle size, replacement rate, water cement ratio, sand ratio on the plastic stress, pore structure and the property of plastic shrinkage cracking were investigated. The results show that the risk of cracking of the recycled fine aggregate concrete reduces gradually with decreasing recycled fine aggregate particle size range and increases with increasing replacement ratio of recycled fine aggregate. The water cement ratio of recycled fine aggregate concrete is of great importance to the crack resistance of the concrete, either too high or too low would increase the risk of cracking. Appropriate sand ratio can be chosen to control the cracking of recycled fine aggregate concrete.
Key words:  plastic shrinkage stress  recycled fine aggregate  cracking performance  particle size  pore structure