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赵永祯1, 李梦2, 王选仓2, 李芬1
针对经验分析法在评价改性沥青混合料性能中存在的不足,结合公路工程建设的特点,引入了K 均值聚类分析算法.全面调查了国内典型高速公路改性沥青路面路用性能和室内试验资料,并采用K 均值聚类分析算法对调查数据进行迭代分析,在此基础上,提出了改性沥青混合料的路用性能分级标准.其中,高温性能以动稳定度为指标,上面层密级配的分级标准分别为3200,5000,8000次/mm;中下面层密级配的分级标准分别为3200,4500,6800次/mm;SMA改性沥青混合料的分级标准分别为3600,6000,8000次/mm.水稳性能按冻融劈裂强度比分级时,分级标准分别为81%,87%,93%;按残留稳定度分级时,分级标准分别为84%,89%,94%.低温性能以弯曲破坏应变为指标,分级标准分别为3000×10-6,3500×10-6,5000×10-6.
关键词:  改性沥青混合料  路用性能  K 均值聚类算法
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201403012
Research on Performance Classification of ModifiedAsphalt Mixture Based on Clustering Algorithm
ZHAO Yongzhen1, LI Meng2, WANG Xuancang2, LI Fen1
1.Transportation Department of Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang 050051, China;2.School of Highway, Changan University, Xian 710064, China
In view of the shortage of the empirical analysis which can be used to evaluate the performance of the modified asphalt mixture, the K means clustering algorithm was introduced considering the characteristics of the highway project construction. The pavement performance data of typical modified asphalt for highway and laboratory test data were thoroughly searched. The data were iteratively analyzed by the K means clustering algorithm. Based on the study, the pavement performance classification standard of modified asphalt mixture was put forward. In the standard the dynamic stability is used as an indicator to evaluate high temperature performance, grading standards for dense graded asphalt mixture in surface layer are 3200, 5000, 8000 times/mm,those in middle and lower layer are 3200, 4500, 6800 times/mm, and grading standards for SMA are 3600, 6000, 8000 times/mm. The classification standards for moisture susceptibility are 81%,87%,93% in terms of freeze thaw splitting strength and are 84%,89%,94% in terms of residual stability. In terms of bending failure strain, the classification standards for low temperature performance are 3000×10-6,3500×10-6,5000×10-6.
Key words:  modified asphalt mixture  pavement performance  K means clustering algorithm