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王俊, 刘伟庆, 胡世俊, 方海, 周宏伟
通过对11个U型截面玻璃纤维增强复合材料(GFRP)泡桐木夹层板试件的三点弯曲试验研究,探讨了该类型组合截面试件的破坏形态、荷载变形特性、应变分布和发展特征,并分析了GFRP纤维铺层数、芯材厚度以及跨高比等参数对试件受力特征的影响.结果表明: GFRP纤维铺层数或芯材厚度增加,均能提高试件的极限承载力,且芯材厚度较大的试件,GFRP纤维铺层数增加对其极限承载力的提高更明显.对于芯材厚度为35mm的试件,当纤维铺层从4层增加到6层和8层时,其极限承载力可提高3370%和6659%.当跨高比从8增加到18,纤维铺层为4层和6层的试件刚度分别下降了8194%和7888%,极限承载力下降了5200%和3816%.与国外现有U型截面GFRP板桩对比,U型截面GFRP泡桐木夹层板刚度提高率为2924%~18197%.
关键词:  U型截面  玻璃纤维增强复合材料(GFRP)  泡桐木  夹层板  弯曲
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201402033
Study on Bending Properties of U Section GFRP Paulownia WoodSandwich Composite Plates
WANG Jun, LIU Weiqing, HU Shijun, FANG Hai, ZHOU Hongwei
College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China
A series of three point bending tests have been conducted on eleven U section GFRP paulownia wood sandwich composite specimens. Through the experiment studies, bending failure modes, load strain curves and the characteristic of strain distribution of the U section sandwich plates were achieved. The influences of the layers of GFRP, paulownia wood thickness and span depth ratio on the behavior of specimens were discussed. The test results show that the carrying capacities of specimens will increase as the layers of GFRP or the thickness of paulownia wood increases. For the specimens with thicker paulownia wood, increase of layers of GFRP can enhance the carrying capacity of specimens more obviously. When the layers of GFRP increase from 4 to 6 and 8, the carrying capacity of specimens of the paulownia wood (height 35mm) increases by 3370% and 6659% respectively. When the span depth ratio increases from 8 to 18, the stiffness of sepcimens with 4 and 6 layers of GFRP decreases by 8194% and 7888%, and the carrying capacity decreases by 52.00% and 3816% respectively. Comparison with GFRP sheet piles shows that U section GFRP paulownia wood sandwich composite plates have an increase of stiffness from 2924% to 18197%.
Key words:  U section  glass fiber reinforced polymer(GFRP)  paulownia wood  sandwich composite plate  bending