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纪小平1, 许辉2, 侯月琴1, 谭学章3
关键词:  温拌再生沥青混合料  成型温度  压实特性  密实曲线
DOI:103969/j.issn1007 9629201402031
Study on Compaction Characteristics of Warm Mixed Reclaimed Mixture
JI Xiaoping1, XU Hui2, HOU Yueqin1, TAN Xuezhang3
1.Key Laboratory for Special Area Highway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Changan University,Xian 710064, China;2.Gansu Province Administration Bureau of Highway, Lanzhou 730030, China;3.Gansu Highway Construction & Development Co. Ltd., Lanzhou 730030, China
A method for determining the mixing and compaction temperature of warm mixed reclaimed asphalt mixture(WMRA) was proposed and superpave gyratory compacter(SGC) was used to prepare the specimens. The volume parameters and densification characteristics of SGC densification curve were compared with WMRA and hot mixed reclaimed asphalt mixture(HMRA). Research results indicate that the slopes of densification curve K1 and K2 decrease, and air void(VV), compaction energy index(CEI) and traffic densification index(TDI) gradually increase as the proportion of recycled asphalt pavement(RAP) increasing. The compacting performance and compaction speed gradually decrease and the capacity of resistance from deformation after opening to traffic increases as the proportion of RAP increasing. The VV and CEI of WMRA are smaller than those of HMRA when the compaction temperature is 30℃ lower in preparation of the specimens of WMRA, with the result that the warm mix agents can greatly improve the workability of mixtures. The K1, K2 and TDI are almost equivalent between WMRA and HMRA, that is say, the warm mix agents are incapable to improve the compaction speed and resistance from deformation.
Key words:  warm mixed reclaimed asphalt mixture  compaction temperature  compaction characteristics  densification curve